Saturday 27 January 2007

The 'wow, I've got a blog' posting.

Blogging, it's all the rage, it's new, it's fun, it's easy. Well Blogging may be easy, but choosing the name was a mind-numbing chore. What to choose, how do I want to be remembered in my slide into obscurity? Something literary, a quote or a Latin phrase; apologia pro vita sua for example. A bit over the top, me thinks, a bit wanky for sure. Something cool and postmodern, like a T-shirt slogan that you soon get sick of (Vote for Pedro anyone?)? Some geeky and obscure film/TV reference (almost went with Magnificent Octopus, a geeky and obscure Blackadder reference which could have been disastrous)? Decided on something with a literary and filmic air and that was vaguely indicitave of adventure and excitement.

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