Monday, 4 June 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

After three and a half months living here in Leuven, or Leuven la Vida Loca as the wildly unpopular saying goes, I am heading home to Melbourne. That's right, as the weather starts to turn nice, oops I mean noice - have to get used to saying that again - I'm heading home to the cold Melbourne winter as well as exorbitant petrol prices (they're bad here too but I don't drive here), water shortages, shocking public transport, newspapers and magazines I can read, TV in English (which won't actually be any better than here), looking for work (oh joy) and of course seeing family and friends again.

I decided before I go that I would give you all a rundown on what I've been doing since I've been here, so here goes:

Written 74,000 words toward my first novel.

Written 14 blogs.

Spent too much time watching videos on you tube that were put there by idiots, and were full of sound and fury but signified nothing. (See that, Shakespeare!)

Consumed Belgian Waffles, Belgian chocolate, Belgian Fries and Belgian Ice cream (no Belgians though thankfully).

Made 600 hot dinners, washed 1200 plates, done 18 loads of washing and carried 300 kilograms of groceries so Jai Faim could concentrate on her studies (also ironed twice).

Have been entertained and informed by numerous Authors, including the following: Neil Gaiman, Kate Grenville, Murray Bail (Not Footrot Flats, that's Murray Ball), Jeanette Winterson, Jim Lynch and Ahdaf Soueif (not an FHM or Ralph amongst them.), thank God for the local library.

Watched the entire series one of Friends. (whatever will happen with Rachel and Ross? Whatever happened to all of those actors?))

Watched numerous DVDs which, due to my sketchy "home entertainment system", all had Nederlands ondertitling. I don't think it affected me though so geen probleem.

Saw two actual movies at the cinema. (Spiderman 3 [3 stars] and Pirates 3 [2.5 stars])

Taught myself two lame card-tricks from the Internet.

Wandered the streets and alleyways of the Historical city of Leuven and enjoyed getting lost and discovering new places.

Visited the following Places: Brussels, Antwerp, Gent in Belgium; Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Cologne, Germany; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Bari, Bergamo, Milan, Genoa, Cinque Terre in Italy; Cairo, Egypt; and Paris, France. (if you think I'm putting a picture for all of them, you're sorely mistaken.)

So that's about it for my little adventure, soon I will be shoehorned into an economy seat for God knows how many hours until I land in Melbourne at 4.45 am, oh lucky person who gets to pick me up. See you all soon.



Anonymous said...

Captain Codswallop,
Cant wait to welcome you back the land of the leurving! I could pick you up, but I'll be sleeping. Now focus my good man. No melting back into the sludge that is subrubia. Time to don some Cordurouy and a funky scarf and seek residence in the inner city cool of ..... the inner city.
Congratulations on your sejourn. You did one for the team.

Kimmiegirl said...

J'ai faim hasn't eaten for two days, has no clean underwear and has no supplies of bounties or tomate potage left. Its time you came back. If you did then you wouldn't need a funky scarf cos the weather is nice here.

Job Alert: Live in Butler position available, must know how to cook, clean and be funny. Must know first aid and how to manage high maintenance people. Fantastic European abode with no hot water, kitchen or bathroom. (The latter two are available on site but you must use the stairs - with no hot water there is no need to use the shower) Excellent renumeration. All applications must include credentials of listening to conservation drivel.

Anonymous said...

mostly more mess like...