Monday, 7 May 2007

More stuff about stuff you said.

More comments here and keep 'em coming. This one is from M, who said:

Oh and by the way, I think that the Tag 'Miss K' already has a home with a certain friend of mine from South Yarra. Hey is that plagiarism?!.

Mostly Unscripted says:

Plagiarism!? Woe is me to have such a thing besmirch my good name, which until now had been relatively smirch free. At first however I was blase, 'Isn't the secret to creativity knowing how to hide your sources after all?' I thought to myself. When I realised that Albert Einstein originally said this I was plunged deeper into despair. So deep that the only reply I could think of was: 'Aw shut up n' that.' Of course someone will probably write and tell me that this was originally said by Samuel Coleridge, or maybe Samuel L Jackson.
Anyway, the upshot is I had to rethink the whole Miss K thing, which seemed like a simple yet effective nom de plume at the time. Did I put hours of thought into it? No. Did I stupidly mention this fact to Miss K upon reading M's comments? Yes. Does this mean I now have to give Miss K a new, more original, more well thought out moniker? Also yes.
So after racking my brains for what seems like hours and hours, and I'm sure must have been, I've reached a consensus of one (this ain't no cheerocracy). From here on out, Miss K shall simply be known as: J'ai Faim. Hopefully this is a workable solution for all parties. If not then...shut up n' that.

What else is going on? Yesterday I saw a man washing his car with a hose. In light of what's happening in Australia in terms of water, this seemed shocking. It was almost as though he was rubbing my face in it. 'Look how much lovely water I can spray on my Volvo,' he was saying. Probably. 'After this I'm going to hose down my concrete and have a thirty five minute shower.' The arrogance of some people, or at least the arrogance that I ascribe to them in my head.
Apart from wasting water, Belgians are eating ice cream by the waffle-cone load. They eat it all year round, but as soon as the sun comes out there are queues out the door of every ice cream shop. Literally. Health experts are always pushing the benefits of a Japanese style approach to eating, what about the Belgian diet? Ice cream, waffles, chocolate, beer, and the number one favourite, chips (frites to be exact). 'Why they must all weigh 400 pounds,' I hear you exclaiming in my head (get out of there). No, they're mostly slim and trim and healthy looking. Maybe it's all the bike (fiets) riding they do. Frites and fiets, it's all about balance.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. I'm off for a chocolate and ice cream covered waffle.

Later n' that.



Anonymous said...

Where's the freakn' pictures?
Also, can you please youtube 'dick in a box' and laugh vigorously like Rob did after he did the same?

Kimmiegirl said...

J’ai faim, dit-elle.
Elle est en rogne, repond-il.
Ces femmes avec un rapide metabolisme nécessitent juste un entretien accru.
Ne rigolez pas des femmes affanées !

Mum said...

Please bring home Belgian ice cream in a waffle cone when you come. Most importantly, don't forget the chocolate - dark, 70% cocoa etc. You know how it goes.
from the person who has known you since you were a tiny wee traveller