Wednesday, 13 June 2007

A cure for calmness

The Matrix was right, the future is not user friendly. Blogger and the Internet in general are being mean to me, not letting me put photos on my blog either from Mozilla or IE. This means I have to publish this blog with no photos which is fine except for those with short attention spans who think 5 lines of text without a picture is too much. I mean who am I kidding, most of you have probably stopped reading already. For those that haven't, here 'tis.

One of the things I like best about travelling in Europe is visiting cities where there are no cars, Venice and Sienna in Italy for example. One of the best things about living in a city like Leuven is there is no need for a car. You can walk everywhere, which is good for the environment, good for your health and good for your hip pocket, who can ask for more?

Being back in Melbourne however, that is not an option. Melbourne city is not that big but the urban sprawl surrounding it means that walking anywhere other than the corner store is asking for sore feet at the very least.

So after months of not driving, I've had to unpack the old Toyota from storage, fill the tyres up with air, spend the GDP of a small African nation on a tank of petrol and head out onto the roads once more. All that serenity, that calmness, that sense of impending nirvana is thrown out the window, along with all sorts of insults and finger gestures as I become just another road user.

Some people love their cars, for me though I could probably happily never drive again. I support public transport, especially if it will get some of the idiots who are in my way of the bloody road. The Dalai Lama doesn't drive, that's why he's so peaceful. The Pope gets driven around and has the roads barricaded for him, that's why he can preach love to all men. The rest of us however are stuck trying to contend with Sally Suburban sitting in her 4WD with her netball skirt on and 2.3 kids in the back. Either that or Johnny revhead who thinks that because he has had his license for three weeks then he can push ahead of everyone in the race to be first at the next red light.

Do I sound bitter? It's possible, but the worst thing of all is the fact that I let myself get suckered into the world of the honkers and the pushers and the cutters in and that's when you know that you're officially back in the Rat Race.

Apart from that, things are about normal here in chilly and occasionally rainy Melbourne. Catching up with friends and family is always a treat, looking for work is a pride swallowing up at dawn siege, that I will never fully tell you about. (*Can you name the film that is from? Leave comments below.)


Kimmiegirl said...

As Terry would say email the government your blog - I think its time to join the PTA crusaders. One can't change from being a car driver to a train, tram and bus user if the train, tram and bus systems are inadequate. I know I will be (I hope I stay true to this promise) bombarding the pollies with my PT and road rage via email rage.

Anonymous said...

Ah Mr Road User.

Since gaining an attention span longer than 5 seconds, I thought I'd reply to your blog.

You answer my friend is easier than you think. Its called a bicycle. I can see the cringe already forming as I type but hear me out.

Firstly, the burbs is for bums. It aint called the suburban sprawl for nothing. Its the same all over the world. Booring. The key is to live inner city and traverse via the cleanest form of transport available. You may be a non cyclist for these reasons.
I might get hit by a car. Wrong. You have the same chance of being hit whilst in another car. Just learn defensive riding. And all city drivers are more aware of cyclist because we are more visible, everywhere and we have flashing lights.

It keeps you fit, you get a park anywhere and you look hot in lycra. I, have found my nirvana. Its on two wheels freezing my face off. Ive never felt more alive.

Loose Swillings said...

JH: saw your list o the left mention of Eggers, Dave. Didja know he's coming to the MWF in August? Get tix - it'll be great I reckon. LS

Anonymous said...

dude.... where's yur next post!

Kimmiegirl said...

You haven't got the excuse that the missus was taking up too much time - she's been in Kakadu since early July....

Kimmiegirl said...

tic toc tic toc tic toc.......