From time to (very seldom) time, I get a comment here on my little piece of cyberspace. Below is one I thought I should comment on.
M to the I to the K to the E said...
Dear Mostly, I am concerned that you think that the bogans aren't just part of Australian Culture. They are truely an international creature that resides everywhere. Usually on the outskirts of town in sub standard accomodation. (Not if your a cashed up bogan like a brikkie's labourer). In the U.S its White trash, in the U.K they're geezers. In Ireland they call them knackers. If fact, I think that every nation has a below middle class strata that the middle class enjoy giving out on. So your amazement just illustrates that you need to widen your horizon outside Kilsyth. Excuse the anal and slanderous rhetoric but arent these blogs all about pissing people off?
Mostly Unscripted says:
Ah yes, nothing gets the blood pumping and the mind racing like a good healthy discussion on the common bogan (Naturalis Bogani). The reason for this is our deep seated fear that when you strip away our layers of urban sophistication there's a guy with a mullet and a flanny shirt shivering in the corner. Like it or not, bogan-ness (or Trailer Trashism, Geezerness etc) is in our Australian blood, like Eucalyptus oil, Vegemite, VB and a tolerance for Kylie Minogue music. We may move from the outer eastern suburbs to a townhouse in Richmond or buy copies of Ulysses and Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time to arrange artfully on our bookshelves, but underneath we're really just wanting to watch Kenny and The Castle and read Andrew Bolt columns (OK so maybe no-one wants to go that far). So M to the I...etc, my advice to you is to embrace the inner bogan, let it balance your sophistication, like yin and yang, or Dad and Dave. Remember it's like Mabo, it's the vibe of the thing. As for pissing people off, well I prefer to think that my blog is about communicating, entertaining and providing an empty slate which I can taint with my ramblings. Pissing people off is simply an added bonus.
As for me, well Miss K and I will soon be off on a little Easter Vacation, heading to Dubrovnik, Cinque Terra and later to Egypt. Of course we will be doing our utmost to be respectful travellers, not overbearing tourists. No doubt there will be tales arising from this trip, some of which may even be interesting.
Keep the comments coming.
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Dear Mostly, I am concerned that you think that I am not a bogan. Bogans, in their truest and natural state are from the 80's, listen to AC/DC, wear wife beaters and enjoy slabs of VB. However, Bogans of today are in many guises. They listen to triple J, wear flags as capes and enjoy slabs of VB. To retort, I embrace my inner bogan. Do I not have flannelete? Do I not come from Croydon. But Im an inner city wanker because I start sentences with 'Do I not...?'
Like the AIDs virus, Boganus Australis or whatever you call it is alive and well in many forms. And yes, I claim to be one. But I dont trumpet it. Just because I wear Etnies, doesnt make me a skater. And I dont think skaters would appreciate it either. Im simply having a jibe because Im assuming thats what blogging is all about. I seek my first blogging arguement victory. Then, I can crack open a tinnie, and was the Supernats.
'As for me, well Miss K and I will soon be off on a little Easter Vacation, heading to Dubrovnik, Cinque Terra and later to Egypt.'
Well, arent we the hoity toity travelling Willberry's? Oohh -First class? Dont forget the Sherpers. Must help out the poor people darling. My God, can you be even more hypocritical about your bogan roots and your current status searching to try and get out of the middle class you ignorantly wallow in? Have a good time and send us a postcard Chuckie!
Gee I write cool shit. Its off the chain!
errrrr... that was meant to be watch... not was.... wooopsie
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